Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Perhaps You Are Having Difficulties Dealing With The Collection Agencies

Category: Finance, Credit.

Perhaps you are having difficulties dealing with the collection agencies.

When you have done this, and they are still harassing you beyond the boundaries that are set by the Fair Debt Collection Act, then it is, or the FDCA time for you to take appropriate measures to see that they are punished in some way for their illegal actions. It is important to remember first to be polite when dealing with them, doing everything that you can to make a negotiation possible. There are several things that you need to do to make sure that you have a stable case. If you do not come up with the proper verification, you cannot have a stable enough case to sue the collection agency, whether they really were harassing you or not. It is important that you bring to court the appropriate evidence that will help you to prove the wrong that has been done against you by the collection agencies. In order to prove that collection agencies are doing something that is in violation of your rights, you have to plan ahead of time.

It is important to have details like this in order to build a strong case against the collection agency. Before they even call or contact you again, you need to have a pen and paper on hand to write down who you spoke with, what day it was, and what time they called you. You must be cautious if you are recording a collection agency s phone call to make sure that you do it legally. Tell them that it is to protect your rights as stated by the FDCPA. You must tell the person you are talking to that you are recording your conversation, and why. That way, there are no legal hassles about whether or not they consented to your recording of the conversation, because if they keep talking after you ve said that, you may assume that they have consented to it because you told them clearly what you were doing. You do this by contacting the attorney general s office.

Once you have the proper evidence that will bring to the table a legitimate argument against the collection agency, you can take the action to file the complaint. Most likely, you will want to do this by writing a formal letter, rather than any other form of communication. It is important to get straight to the point. Here are a few tips to help you write your letter: When you are writing your letter, make sure that you do not beat around the bush. When you state what the collection agency did wrong, you must back it up by stating the rights that were violated under the FDCA. It is their job.

Do not just complain about them constantly calling you. If they have not violated any of the rules stated in the FDCA, then you will have no legitimate argument, resulting in your losing the case.


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